Mr. Henry Littich, Director of Orchestras
Phone (785) 227-4254 X 1350
Email: hlittich@smokyvalley.org
Henry Littich has taught orchestra/strings since 1997. He was named director of orchestras for Smoky Valley Public Schools in 2009, where he teaches at Smoky Valley High School, Smoky Valley Middle School and Soderstrom Elementary School (grades 4-12). Littich began conducting the Salina Junior Youth Symphony in 2011. Since Littich’s arrival in Lindsborg, the Smoky Valley High School String and Symphony Orchestras have consistently earned first division superior ratings at the KSHSAA Large Ensemble Music Contest. In addition to outstanding ensemble performances, Littich’s students have earned individual accolades, earning seats in the State and District Honor Orchestras as well as high ratings at state and district solo and small ensemble music contests. The Smoky Valley High School Orchestra performed at the Kansas Music Educators Association in-service workshop in February 2015. Prior to coming to Lindsborg, Littich taught orchestra in Odessa, Tex. He holds a bachelor of music education and a master of music from Kansas State University, where he studied violin with Dr. Cora Cooper. In addition to his work in the Smoky Valley school district, Littich plays violin with the Salina Symphony and has served as the orchestra chair for South Central KMEA and state president of the Kansas American String Teachers Association. He and his wife, Kate, reside in Lindsborg with their children, Emma and Eddie.