The Smoky Valley Education Association and Smoky Valley Schools want to recognize members of the community who are making a positive impact on our students and schools. This evening, we are recognizing Jim Osner our district Director of Buildings and Grounds.
Glen Suppes states that is his pleasure to nominate Jim for the “SVEA I Make a Difference Award”.
In the Smoky Valley, we take pride in our facilities. Taking great care of our buildings and grounds is a priority in USD #400. Jim Osner, Director of Buildings and Grounds, deserves special recognition for the outstanding work he does everyday, caring for our facilities and providing for a clean, safe environment for our employees and our students.
This past summer Mr. Osner certainly earned his stripes. He was extremely busy with the Soderstrom Facelift Project, spending countless hours including some weekends making sure that every detail was taken care of. Jim did not accept mediocre work, and sent contractors back with over 100 items on the punch list. He took great pride in making sure that the final product was quality.
This summer Mr. Osner also led the transportation department office addition to completion in 29 days, and worked with several entities overseeing the development of the new practice baseball field. Jim holds his employees to high standards and sees to their personal wellbeing. He takes care of his crew.
The district appreciates the fact that he is very conscientious of spending district money and is a great team player. Jim contributes to the District Safety Team each month and is involved in the community Hyllningsfest Committee.
It is an honor to bring Mr. Jim Osner before the Board of Education and recognize him as the recipient of this month’s “SVEA I Make a Difference Award”.