Smoky Valley USD 400 - School Health Information & Forms

School Nurses and Assignments

Jessica Morel, MSN, RN
Smoky Valley Lead District School Nurse

Kacy Rogge, LPN
USD 400 Assistant School Nurse

Student Illness Policy
Students will be sent home if they are suspected to have an infectious or contagious disease process. There may be times that a doctor's release will be necessary in order for the student to return to school/activities. Students should not come to school and should remain home if any of the following conditions exist:
•Fever of 100 degrees or greater or an elevated temperature coupled with other symptoms such as sore throat, cough, etc. within the last 24 hours. Please do not give fever-reducing medication at home and send your student to school.
•Severe cold symptoms
•Sudden appearance of rash, unless it is known to be non-contagious
•Fainting due to an unknown cause of a grand mal seizure
•Head lice: Infested students must receive treatment including an appropriate shampoo and removal of nits to prevent re-infestation.
•Red/discharging eyes

Medication at School
We always prefer that any medication your child needs be given at home. We understand that there may be times when your child needs medication while at school. The school will cooperate in the supervision of medication at school if the proper forms have been completed.
For any prescription medications, you will need to be complete the Request for Administration of Medication at School form. This form must be completed by your physician and signed by parent or legal guardian. Understand that it may take up to 24 hours to receive orders from a physician to administer medication at school.
The school district has approved a list of over-the-counter medications that can be administered at school with parent permission only. Please complete the Permission for Over The Counter Mediation form so that your child can receive these medications if needed. Please note that we do limit these medications to 3 doses per month. If your child needs more than 3 doses, you will need to complete the Request for Administration of Medication at School form which will need to be completed by a physician.
All other over-the-counter medication will require a doctor's order and parent permission. Please complete the Request for Administration of Medication at School form for those medications.
All medication must be in the original container. If it is a prescription medication, the dosage on the bottle must match the dosage on the doctor's order. Additional prescription bottles with labels are available for the pharmacy where you purchased your medication.


Due to the passage of Senate Bill No. 10, medications prescribed by a health care provider for the treatment of anaphylaxis of asthma, may be carried and self-administered by the student. However, the appropriate form must be signed by the parent/guardian and the physician. These forms are available in the school office, or they may be printed from the information below (see health forms). It is important to note that this is a privilege that may be revoked at any time if the student is not handling the prescribed medication in the appropriate and safe manner.
If your student plans to self carry and administer inhaler medication, make sure the pharmacist places an appropriate label on the inhaler so that it is easily identified if lost. An additional inhaler may need to be purchased at the parents' discretion and kept in the office should the student not have their inhaler available when needed.


Head Lice
Parents should assume that head lice are present in almost all schools as well as other community settings at all times. We are not always informed of positive cases and the school does not have the capability to check all heads on a regular basis. For this reason, the home becomes the primary point of control for head lice and parents should inspect their child's head frequently. When a member of the family is found to be infested, ALL members of the household should be examined and ALL infested members should be treated at the same time with the regimen described below. (KDHE Guidelines 2007)

DAY 1 - Apply recommended shampoo per directions followed by a thorough, fine-tooth wet combing. This should kill most adults and nymphs (newly hatched) and remove viable nits (eggs).
DAY 2 through DAY 6 - EACH DAY apply ordinary shampoo followed by cream rinse/conditioner and a thorough fine-tooth wet combing. This should remove additional adults, nymphs, and some nits. Some nits will have to be removed by hand. The use of cream rinse/conditioner makes it difficult for lice to attach eggs to the hair strands.
DAY 7 - Apply recommended shampoo per directions followed by a thorough fine-tooth wet combing. This should kill and remove most remaining adults, nymphs, and some nits.
DAY 8 through DAY 14 - EACH DAY apply ordinary shampoo followed by cream rinse and a thorough fine-tooth wet combing. Continue to check for remaining nits and remove by hand if needed.

Environmental efforts can be limited to the laundering of all bed linens and clothing worn by infested individuals. Extensive cleaning, vacuuming, and spraying of the home is of limited effectiveness and is no longer recommended.
A head lice infestation is a mild health condition without serious health consequences. Head lice cannot be completely eliminated from communities or schools. Neither the occurrence of a case nor an outbreak should be considered as evidence of a breakdown in hygienic practices on the part of individuals, families, or schools. Students who are found to have live lice will be sent home for treatment.

Immunization Policy

All students shall provide proof of immunizations or furnish documents to satisy statutory requirements. Requirements are updated annually by KDHE. Students who fail to provide the documentation required by law may be excluded from school by the superintendent until statutory requirements are satisfied.
Legal alternatives to school vaccination requirements are found at K.S.A. 72-5209.

Health Assessment/s

Each child/student entering school for the first time is required to submit a health assessment that has been completed by a physician or other licensed medical provider (See Health Assessment at Entry Form). Students that have attended the district PreK programs will not be required to have an additional assessment before kindergarten. The district elementary schools expect this requirement to be met on the student's first day of school. We may exclude your student if the requirement has not been met.
All children/students participating in athletics or KSHSAA athletic activities must have a completed Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation Form (PPE) and Concussion and Head Injury Release Form. This form must be signed by professional medical staff, student/athlete, and parent/guardian BEFORE the student/athlete participates in ANY athletic or spirit practice or contest EACH school year.

Students will have their hearing and vision screened at periodic intervals as required by the state. Please keep in mind that these are just screenings and should not replace regularly scheduled exams by a doctor. If your child does not pass their hearing or vision screening, you will receive a referral in the mail. You will need to take this referral to the appropriate doctor and have it completed and returned to the school. Each student (K-12) will have a dental screening as well. A dental hygienist offers student screenings at no charge. A note will be sent home a few weeks before this screening with more information.