
We Champion For All Students


WELCOME TO SMOKY VALLEY PUBLIC SCHOOLS: A school district that takes pride in making decisions based on what is best for every child!

Smoky Valley USD 400, nestled in the heart of central Kansas, is comprised of the communities of Lindsborg, Marquette, Smolan, and Falun. These communities feature the best of small-town life. The charm of the area is visible: bricked streets, unique shops, and homes adorned with dala horses, a nod to the Swedish tradition of hand-painted horses symbolizing hope and strength. The local charm often brings tourists to our streets; the friendliness of the communities often brings them back.

The communities were founded by Swedish immigrants to the Smoky Valley, a grassland terrain known for the early morning haze that often rises and gathers in valleys. The city of Lindsborg is called “Little Sweden USA.” The district mascot, the Viking, is a part of the spirit that represents the strong bonds within these communities. Smoky Valley is a 4A school district represented by Soderstrom Elementary School (K-4), Smoky Valley Middle School (5-8), and Smoky Valley High School (9-12). Smoky Valley USD 400 also offers Smoky Valley Virtual Charter School, a virtual program for students within the state of Kansas in grades 6-12 as well as adult recovery and credit recovery programs. Known for academic excellence, the schools of Smoky Valley are supported by communities who believe in the values of education.

Smoky Valley schools are more than just institutions; they reflect the culture and artistry of the communities’ rich Swedish history. They are renowned for nurturing talent in fine arts, both performance and visual, thus creating an environment where creativity flourishes. The legacy of Birger Sandzén, an influential artist associated with Bethany College and the community, continues to inspire. His work, along with other artists, is celebrated in local galleries as well as the dedicated Berger Sandzén Memorial Gallery located on Bethany College campus. A deep appreciation for the fine arts is fostered within the communities of the Smoky Valley.

The cultural tapestry is further enriched by the Swedish festivals of Midsummer's Day, a yearly summertime festival, and Svensk Hyllningsfest, where the rhythmic steps of traditional Swedish folk dancing are still performed. Svensk Hyllningsfest, a bi-annual festival held in the fall, features traditional folks dancing by students of Smoky Valley in grades 1-8. These festivals are a testament to the communities’ commitment to preserving and celebrating their shared heritage. The high school's Swedish dance troupe, along with an adult troupe, serve as cultural ambassadors, spreading the joy and tradition of Swedish dance beyond the borders of these communities.

 Bethany College, located in Lindsborg and founded upon the roots of Swedish settlers, upholds the Swedish legacy through its Lutheran foundations. The college's mascot, the Swede, is more than a symbol; it represents a bridge between the past and the present, a continuous thread that weaves through the communities’ identities. The college's commitment to the arts is evident in its curriculum and the opportunities it provides for students to engage with and contribute to the local culture.

 In essence, Smoky Valley USD 400 and the communities from which it is comprised are a center of cultural preservation and educational excellence. The communities’ dedication to maintaining its unique charm and fostering artistic expression ensures that the Swedish heritage remains a living, thriving force for generations to come. It's a place where tradition and education walk hand in hand, creating a strong foundation for the future. Smoky Valley USD 400, its communities, administration, and staff are committed to providing opportunities for all students. “We champion for all students,” is foremost as the mission.



The mission of the Smoky Valley Public School is to provide all students with experiences enabling them to develop the knowledge, skills, and values to become responsible, successful learners.