The McPherson County Special Education Cooperative is seeking to identify every student from birth through age 21 who lives within the boundaries of the school districts identified below who has developmental delays or may be in need of special education.
Smoky Valley USD 400
McPherson USD 418
Canton-Galva USD 419
Moundridge USD 423
Inman USD 448
If you have a child or know of a child who you think has development delays or special needs, contact:
Melissa Strathman
Director of Special Education
McPherson County Special Education Cooperative
Website: https://mccsec-mcphusd.edlioschool.com/
Areas of special education include: early childhood-disability (birth through age two-infant toddler), developmentally delayed, visual impairments including blindness, hearing impairments including deafness, deaf-blindness, autism, traumatic brain injury, emotional disturbance, specific learning disabilities, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairments, other health impairments, speech or language impairments, and gifted.
Parents are advised that all special education services are designed to offer the utmost in educational opportunities for each qualifying student, as well as to provide assistance and support in the areas of physical, mental, emotional, and social growth. State and federal laws are followed in providing each student with a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment.
Contact the person below if you have a child or know of a child who may need special education services.
Melissa Strathman
Director of Special Education
McPherson County Special Education Cooperative