Amy Dreier
SVVCS Principal
Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Math Education from Bethany College
Master's Degree in Educational Administration from Emporia State University
24 years of experience in education
I have worked for SVVCS for 19 years and have been in the Smoky Valley District for over 20 years. I started out as a high school math teacher, but when I decided to have a family, the opportunity of teaching online presented itself, and I have not looked back. My husband and I are raising our two children here, and we love the Lindsborg community. I enjoy golfing with my husband and hiking and fishing with my boys. I also enjoy going to all the activities that they enjoy, I love my team here at SVVCS, and I believe strongly that we make a difference in our students lives every day.
My students are who inspire me every day. We have had a number of students over the years who would have every reason not to succeed, but yet they have the grit and determination to do so. So many of our students have hidden obstacles that are hard to see; this educational environment allows them to be successful. This is what I love about my job!
Amy Dreier
SVVCS Director